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Gula Cake Club

Gula Cake Club

Gula Cake Club
Gula Cake Club
Gula Cake Club





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Terms and Conditions


The client may place an order on the website. The process for placing an order is as follows:

  • Choose your products and add them to cart 
  • Validate the contents of the cart
  • Provide information regarding the client personal details
  • Indicate pick up dates and time
  • Indicate remarks as well as preferred payment method
  • Accept the GTC
  • Confirm the order
  • Validate paymentThe client is able to see the different stages of the order details and the total price and may correct any errors before confirming his/her order, thereby expressing his/her acceptance. Payment for the price of the products makes the order final and no amendment of the order may be entertained by or taken into consideration by the vendor thereafter.Conclusion of the contract is only effective after confirmation of the order by the vendor. The vendor confirms the order by sending an email to the email address provided by the client.The vendor reserves the right to cancel or refuse to accept any order from a client with whom there is a dispute concerning payment of a previous order or who, in the vendor’s opinion, presents any form of risk.Any information given by the client remains his/her sole responsibility and any anomalies generated by him/her may not be borne by the vendor nor shall the vendor be liable for any loss or damage occasioned thereby, in the event that it becomes impossible to carry out the order and achieve a successful outcome.

PAYMENT (SECURE TRANSACTIONS)All online payments are conducted via iPay88's Payment Gateway (‘iPay88’). iPay88 is PCI Data Security Compliant thus ensuring high-level security measures. This includes data encryption of 128 Bit SSL which ensures that all credit card and bank account information is safe and secure. For more information, please refer to iPay88 Payment Gateway’s website (

EXCHANGE POLICY: REFUNDS/CANCELLATIONSNo refunds, exchange, cancellations, or amendments are applicable once payment is processed and completed online.

UNAVAILABILITY OF PRODUCTSThe vendor reserves the right to change the product range at any time and from time to time. Certain offers may have a restricted period of validity that will be indicated for each product or product range. The vendor undertakes to honor orders received on the website only within the limits of available stocks. In rare cases, a product that is shown as available on the website may become unavailable after definite registration of the order. In the event that one or several products ordered become(s) unavailable within the time period indicated, the vendor undertakes to inform the client of this fact as quickly as possible by email. The order shall be automatically canceled and the client is reimbursed within 30 days at the latest following full settlement of the amount paid, except where the client expressly wishes to switch his/her order to a substitute product advised by the vendor. The client agrees and acknowledges that no penalty shall be applied for such cancellations and that subject to the above, receipt of reimbursement of the amount paid by the client shall be conclusive, and the client waives all rights to claim any penalty or other costs from the vendor.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYAny texts, remarks, structures, illustrations and images reproduced on the website are controlled and regulated by copyright as well as by intellectual property throughout the whole world. Any reproduction of the website, whether in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without prior agreement.

PROHIBITION OF SALES OUTSIDE THE NETWORKThe products are intended to be sold exclusively through our distribution networks. It is therefore strictly prohibited to buy products for resale purposes outside of our networks, in particular, through websites. Over and above an infringement of our brands and the integrity of our products, such acts may involve the legal and criminal liability of their perpetrators, where appropriate.

APPLICABLE LAW AND DISPUTESThe Terms & Conditions, and any disputes arising from or under the Terms & Conditions, shall be governed by Malaysian law. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Malaysian regarding any such dispute. A person who is not a party to Terms & Conditions shall have no right under the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act to enforce any part of Terms & Conditions.